Become a member of Community Threads

Join us for a unique opportunity to support your community.

Fill out our membership form

A colorful stack of yarn representing the page, Become a Member, on the Community Threads website.

Interested in joining Community Threads?

Fill out our interest form to become a member. Anyone is welcome to join and we do not require board approval for membership. If you want to get a better idea of what we do, you are welcome to attend our general meetings as a guest before officially joining.

Primary Interest *

How are you interested in helping Community Threads?

Let us know so we can have a name tag ready for you!

Which upcoming meetings do you plan on attending? *


Your request was successfully received ♥ Thank you! We will be in touch soon. In the meantime, check out our Members page for project patterns and upcoming events.

Go to our Members page  →

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What does it mean to be a member of Community Threads?

Members volunteer their time, hearts, and skills by knitting, crocheting, and sewing handcrafted items for the community. Our combined efforts provide warmth and comfort to those who are ill, in need of something to keep them warm, or who just want to brighten their day.

Membership benefits

Making an impact doing something you love is only one of the benefits of becoming a member of Community Threads. Some other perks include: 

  • No membership dues, fees, or requirements 
  • An inclusive and welcoming group 
  • Enjoy in-person time stitching and socializing with other service-minded volunteers. Pick up supplies and clothing donations, distribute to drop-off locations, and complete other meaningful tasks.
  • Be part of our digital community by joining our Facebook group. This is a group where members can share their current projects, connect over common interests, and so much more.

Meeting locations

Our meetings are held at the locations below. To see a list of upcoming dates and times, visit our Events Page.

  • Chancellor Ruritan Club, 5994 Plank Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
  • L.E. Smoot Library, Room A 9533 Kings Highway, King George, VA 22485

How do we raise funds for Community Threads?

  • The Chancellor Ruritan Club does not charge a fee to hold our meeting there, but there will be a donation envelope at each meeting should you wish to make a donation to help with the operating costs of the facility. 
  • There will also be a Community Threads donation envelope at each meeting should you wish to donate funds to help with the overhead and operating budget of our group. 
  • If you know a person or business that may be willing to make a donation or become a sponsor, please reach out to them. If you prefer not to reach out, you are welcome to provide us with the information and we will contact them. 

As always, donations can be made anytime and sent via mail or online. Visit our Donate Funds page for more information.